
Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties.

Galatians 6:9 - “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”

Resilience is a necessary tool in life, especially as a Christian. It’s how you respond to tragedy, crisis or other life altering changes that allows us to move on, despite the loss.

I’ve found that the more resilient I am when a crisis comes, the more I grow as a Christian. Christians keep bouncing back. What’s the key to this Christian resiliency? Faith in God.

Don’t try and assume how things will end when you’re hit with a tragedy. We think we know the final result, so, instead of exercising resilience, we give up or take things into the wrong hands.

I’m choosing to trust in God rather than relying on what I understand. This is my way of staying resilient.

God is looking for resilient people for His Kingdom.

Are you in? Are you resilient?

Dianne PetreyComment
Satan's greatest desire is to separate us from God.

He does it all the time. In my life anyway.

Satan has a way of making me think I don’t need to read my Bible, that I don’t need to get up early and have my quiet time with God. He would rather I set my alarm to the last possible minute, fly out of bed and get ready for work, not giving God another thought.

Why does Satan do this? Because he knows how powerful God’s word is to our lives.

Psalm 119:105 - “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

I read the word to know the difference between right and wrong. I stay in the scriptures so I’m ready for battle, ready for whatever comes my way.

Knowledge is power. Test your decisions with scripture. Search the meaning of the dilemma you may be facing.

Keep God’s word close, daily. This is your guidebook, your Atlas, your GPS for your journey.

Are you being deceived by Satan or led by Jesus today?

It’s your decision. Make the right choice.

Dianne PetreyComment
Want God to bless your work?

Some people wonder why they're not prospering at their job.  Ask them if God is a part of it?

You can invite God to be a part of your work every day.  Ask God to make you a success so you can serve Him with your career.  Don't tell Him how to do this.

Ask God how this should look like.  God wants to make you a missionary disguised as (whatever your current role in life).

Regardless of what your career is, you will need to make the commitment that you're a missionary first.  Then and only then will God bless the work of your hands.

We tend to think of careers such as pastors or missionaries to be the only spiritual careers.

God can turn any position around to show His glory in whatever work model you find yourself in.

What is the biggest hinderance to committing your career to God's service?

This doesn't mean that you'll be preaching around the water cooler, but it may mean that when others are working with you or for you, they see a Jesus-like character.

Ask God to bless you in your work today.

Colossians 3:17 - “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

Dianne PetreyComment
Are we trying to fit in?

So many of us are worried about fitting in. We’re so worried about being cool that we have forgotten what it is to make a stand for what is true.

The one true way of making a difference in this world is by igniting each of us by the spirit of God.

2 Timothy 3:12 - “Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted,”

It would appear from the verse above that maybe we’re afraid of persecution. Maybe we don’t want to speak up and tell others about Jesus, in fear of being ridiculed, laughed at, etc.

We all crave acceptance by others. We are on the wrong path when we seek most our validation of self-worth from the opinions of other people.

Think about this: when we are pursuing popularity as a means to happiness, we are flirting with idolatry.

God is the only one that can meet the needs of our personal worth.

Our desire to fit in should be found as having a good testimony in the world.

Fit into the mold God designed for you; not the world’s destructive idols.

Dianne PetreyComment
No excuse

Excuses were the beginning of sin, when the woman ate the apple and told God that the serpent deceived her and she ate the apple, believing satan instead of trusting God.

So, what’s your excuse? What’s your excuse for staying where you are? Are you in a stagnant relationship with God? Are you making excuses every Sunday why you can’t make it to church this time?

When God gives us direction, he expects cooperation, not excuses.

Or, are you feeling unqualified for what God’s called you to do? Are you His child, being obedient, but just afraid to lose the battle?

This is the time to ask God for strength. Just like in the song, “Confidence,” where it says, “give me faith like Daniel in the lion’s den; Give me hope like Moses in the wilderness; Give me a heart like David, Lord be my defense, So I can face my giants with confidence.”

Quit making excuses, avoiding God’s invitation. He’s asking you to trust Him and follow Him.

He’s got a plan for you to prosper. Quit stalling. He’s waiting.

Romans 2:1 - “Therefore you have no excuse, O man, every one of you who judges. For in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, practice the very same things.”

Dianne PetreyComment
Putting out fires

If you have ever worked in an office environment, or even a home environment, you’ll know that there are some days where you’re constantly putting out fires.

One problem gets resolved, while another one is brewing in the background.

It’s good to have conflict and struggle in life. It makes you appreciate the good times and the accomplishments of succeeding.

There have been times when I’ve seen God at work in my life, putting out the fires that come along. It’s in those times that I feel God closer to me than ever.

Just like in the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, God is always near.

Take time during the trials of life to recognize God. Look for His presence. See if you can figure out how God’s going to get you through the trial.

God’s looking for your trust in Him, especially in the fiery times of life. He’s waiting to see if you fall apart or stand with Him.

The story in the book of Daniel regarding the three men (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego) tells where the men refused to bow down to King Nebuchandnezzar, and were thus thrown into a roaring furnace. They were litterally put into a fire, but their faith stood the test. They made it through without a burn or scratch. How? They trusted God to protect them and deliver them from the fire.

Where’s your faith when the fire gets hot?

Daniel 3:21 -22 - “Then these men were bound in their cloaks, their tunics,[a] their hats, and their other garments, and they were thrown into the burning fiery furnace. 22 Because the king's order was urgent and the furnace overheated, the flame of the fire killed those men who took up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. “

Dianne PetreyComment
God's comfort of deliverance.

Suffering will take you to a new level of faith. Suffering is never anything that we hope for, but something we often avoid or dread.

God is the only one that can deliver us out of any trial.

All christians suffer. Either you have been through suffering, you are going through suffering or you will suffer in the future.

Our suffering is not random or without purpose.

There are several types of suffering. We can go through physical suffering, emotional and even spiritual suffering.

The one advantage in becoming a part of a church community is the group support that is available no matter what you’re going through.

Suffering can equip us for ministry. God may allow us to go through suffering, so that we can comfort others going through hard times.

God’s deliverance is His rescuing us from bondage or danger. Sometimes that deliverance is God simply walking through the trial by our side. He uses this time to comfort and encourage us, and to also mature us in our faith.

Are you going through a trial today? Ask God for help. Ask Him for a hiding place. Ask for deliverance.

Psalm 32:7 - “You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from trouble; you surround me with shouts of deliverance.”

Dianne PetreyComment
Roller coasters

I grew up loving roller coasters. The faster and the more twists and turns, the more exciting. The ups and downs twists and turns made it all worth it.

Is your faith in God like a roller coaster? Do you find yourself so confident, on such a high that nothing can bring you down, and a few hours later you’re wallowing in self pity?

So how do we stop this roller coaster way of life? How do we balance our highs with our lows?

Faith is based on something that’s not seen. We can’t touch faith; we can’t visibly see faith. But, faith in God, gives us the ability to trust that whatever day God has planned for us, that He will be there through it all.

This also means that even though we may have everything going for us in the morning, when evening hits and things start to fall apart, our attitude shouldn’t change.

Faith = acceptance. Trust what is and accept what is to come.

2 Peter 3:9 - “The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you,[a] not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.”

Dianne PetreyComment