There are some people who avoid paying their taxes. They make good money, but think it’s all theirs; that the government doesn’t deserve to have any of it.
When taxes were born, all working employees were required to report their earnings and to pay the required taxes on this money. If they don’t, they break the law and can face imprisonment. Some are tricky enough to avoid the IRS for years, thinking they’re getting away with it.
I spent my 20s and 30s running from God. I thought if I filled my life with ‘stuff,’ God would leave me alone. I thought I could hide in my anger and depression. I thought God’s got enough people to care for, and I can just block Him out of my plans.
Thank God, He is a loving God; a God full of mercy. But, He’s also a jealous God.
If we find ourselves consumed with worry, afraid the stock market will crash, or bogged down with our own physical issues, we can convince ourselves that we’ll take care of it, and that we don’t need God.
Friends, this is the day you can turn that around. Come out of hiding. God already knows where you are in your life; He knows your thoughts and most of all, He knows your heart.
You can’t hide from God because He is omnipresent; He’s everywhere at all times.
You can run from God, that’s your choice, but don’t think you can hide from Him.
Hebrews 4:13 - “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.”