Seeing things through His eyes.

I love being around kids or even adults when they are seeing something new for the first time.  The adventure in their eyes is something to behold. 

As a Christian, we should live our lives, dedicated and committed to Christ. This requires a steady, unmovable spirit of love.

We should be viewing life as Jesus sees it.  Jesus lived a life on this earth, just as we are doing today.  He felt the pain of rejection.  He felt the loneliness we all feel at some point, and He felt the love and compassion for those in need.

Start today, look for someone in need and do as Jesus does to you and me, every day.  

Quit counting people’s sins.  Have a heart of Jesus and see things through His eyes.

2 Corinthians 5:17 – “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: he old has gone, the new is here!”

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