Disruptive moments.

No one likes it when things don’t go as planned. Disruptions are a part of life. The interruption of a normal day can be trying, but have you ever thought of it as an opportunity for God to step in?

If we let God into the interruption, that moment can actually be life-changing for us and for another person.

What if you were planning to spend the day working in your garden, but you received a phone call from a friend that suddenly needed your help? Would you ignore the call and go on about your day, or would you answer and drop what you’re doing and go help them? That interruption is not an obstacle in your day, but an opportunity to help a friend.

So, the next time real life comes crashing into your idea that you are “in control,” look for the opportunity to show Christ's compassion.

It’s more often than not that we don’t see God stepping in until we’re on the other side.

Look for God today in every interruption and embrace the chance to help someone in need.

Proverbs 19:17 - Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.

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