Today is my birthday and I woke up feeling different about birthdays today. I admit, I'm usually selfish when it comes to birthdays and I think everyone should make birthdays special. But today, instead of wanting to fulfill my own desires, I want to fulfill someone else's.
Starting today, I want to give more of myself, my time, my money to those in need. My life is but a vapor and I want to have spent it giving, every day.
I'm thankful for yet another birthday. I received another day of life. My goal today is to please God, in whatever way I can.
Look around for someone today in need. Reach out to those who are lonely. Love the brokenhearted.
We get one life! Live for God, you'll never regret it!
Proverbs 9:11 - "For by Me your days will be multiplied, and years will be added to your life."