Joy in all things
I admit. It's hard to be joyful when circumstances and life around you are anything but joyful.
Romans 15:13 - "I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in Him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit."
As a Christian, I know the Bible requires of me things that I cannot myself immediately produce by my own power. I am a sinner. The Bible says it is right to feel joy in God. It also says that it is wrong to be anxious about the situation. These emotions that I'm feeling are produced in me from the Holy Spirit. This concept is hard for non-Christians to understand, but it is an overflowing in my soul towards God. This is coming from the work of the Holy Spirit. I can't make this stuff up.
The Holy Spirit gives us eyes to see the beauties of Jesus that causes joy to flow from within us. It's not only in the Bible, through the Holy Spirit that we see Christ, but we can see Him in nature, in people or in every gift that He gives us.
Today, look for the joy in everything you do. When faced with obstacles, see God working through you to overcome it. After all, Jesus overcame the world. What makes you think He can't help you through anything you come up against.