Broken promises

If you're like me, you've had your share of broken promises.  Promises that seemed trustworthy and genuine, but ended up being anything but that.

Psalm 105:8 - "He remembers His covenant forever, the word that He commanded, for a thousand generations."

A promise or covenant is a binding agreement or arrangement, normally between two parties.  It involves promises on the part of each to the other.  The covenant in scriptural terms means an agreement between God and man, initiated by God.  In other words, God says "If you'll do this, then I will do that."

The biblical concept of a covenant is the key element showing the continuity of God's relationship with human beings from the beginning of time, up to the New Covenant, which is the promise of eternal life which God made possible for all mankind through Jesus Christ.

Unlike man, God does not break His promises.  This covenant with God is a personal relationship which all of us can voluntarily enter.  It's not bound by our past or what good deeds we've done in our life. It's available to those who wish to follow Jesus.

This is a promise from God.  One that lasts forever and ever.  It's a promise never to be broken or compromised.  Why wouldn't everyone be willing to accept His promise?

Dianne PetreyComment