Romans 3:23 - "For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God's glorious standard."
All of us have had times in our lives where we get knocked down, it's the sin nature in all of us. But we don't have to stay down. Some comebacks are challenging but they can also be rewarding and necessary for our personal growth into who and where God wants us to be.
The most important thing is that you learn and grow from any comeback. Seek God in these times. Be still and listen for His guidance. He will always be with you and grant you a heart of wisdom.
In every down season, there is opportunity for a comeback.
The enemy is out there, seeking each one of us, simply because of our faith in God. Trouble will come and it is discouraging to face because of a mistake you've made, but what about the storms that hit you for no apparent reason? You find yourself saying "why me, God? Why did you let this happen?"
Take heart in knowing that when Satan is attacking you, don't be discouraged. This just means that God is getting ready to bring a change in your life to move you to a higher level. Believe me, I am living proof of this.
I am confident in Christ enough to know that any trial, any arrows that Satan throws in my direction, God will guard me and take me beyond these obstacles.