Don't waste the suffering

Romans 8:36 - Just as it is written, "For your sake we are being put to death all day long; we were considered as sheep to be slaughtered."

It says in the bible that we should 'rejoice in the suffering, in order to give God the glory.'  Who have you ever known that is full of joy and laughter when trials come?  Not many. But, as Christians, we need to follow this precedent.  

Every Christian who is serving God and walking in Him should expect persecution, and, don't be surprised when it comes.  This should remind us that we are truly aliens in this world.

To live like Christ, we must take the joys and the sufferings of this life, just as He did.  This should be the hope of every true disciple.  

Our reward will come in His second coming, when He takes us home to be with Him.  

Don't waste the suffering, use it to glorify Him.  Use it to show others how powerful God works in your life.  This life is not about us, but about how we can show Christ to others through us, through our suffering.

God will mold you through these sufferings.  Who will you become through these trials? 

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