Are you in bondage?

James 4:7 - "Submit yourselves therefore to God.  Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."

Satan prowls around us, looking to steal our joy, bind us up and deceives our very thoughts.  But, the good news is, if we are in Christ and know who we are in Him, then we can dissolve a lot of these cases from ever evolving.

We must keep our eyes in God's Word and our minds on Him.  Ignorance of God's word is a tool that Satan uses every time.

Guilt will give the enemy room to move in and make you feel worthless.  This will keep you fighting from a defeated position.

Break out of bondage, and look to Jesus for guidance.  You cannot take on this world by yourself.

Don't be caught off guard by Satan.  He's waiting on you to mess up.

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