Worry wort?
Luke 12:25 - "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?"
It's an old phrase, still used today, but I have been called a 'worry-wort'. Have you? Most of us will fall into the trap of worrying in a situation, knowing that it doesn't help matters, but we do it anyway. We often think that worrying will help us control things that are out of control, but in fact, worry does the exact opposite. It ends up controlling us. It steals our time and energy. It steals our time and focus on God, and how He has things under His control.
Instead of worrying, try this: PRAY. Think about it. What if, every time you started worrying, you shifted your focus and started praying?
God is bigger than any challenge you face, my friends. He already knows the outcome. He already knows what is required of you to get you through the situation, and He has your best interest at heart.
From past experience, I can honestly profess that any time I'm overwhelmed with worry, I put my focus on God, and what I'm already blessed with. I commit my focus on my relationship with Him and giving Him more of me. This is when I start seeing more blessings and my worries start drifting from my mind.
Don't be a worry-wort. God gives us new mercy every day to face whatever comes our way. Trust Him!