Are you offering your best?
Colossians 3:23-24: "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ."
You've heard this before "Do your best and let God do the rest." This is not coming from a bible verse, but it's content applies to all of us. The message points to us using our God-given abilities and talents to do our best in whatever that is.
What most people miss about the above statement is that they don't give it to God in the beginning of the situation. Some wait until they've completely exhausted all human efforts, and then throw up a (hail Mary) or 'God help me.'
We should be loving and trusting God, ALWAYS. It's that relationship I've talked about before that's paramount here.
If I didn't know you, but you wanted something from me, I would be a little hesitant to give it away (whatever it is). But if we had established a relationship and I trusted you, then I would feel better about giving something away. It's that way with God too.
Trust His Will for your own life. Give Him your best, ALWAYS. Do this and watch what happens with your life.