What are you fueling your body with today?
1 Corinthians 6:19 - "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;"
We, as Christians should be able to relax, be peaceful and rest in God's promises. But, do we? Do we sit around and try to anticipate God's next move, instead of just being still and wait expectantly on His Will for our lives?
Listen and look for God's presence in everything! You'll be amazed at the little blessings He lays out before you each day if He knows you're looking forward to finding Him throughout your day.
Since our bodies are considered to be temples of the Holy Spirit, shouldn't we be watching what comes in or goes out of it?
We are accountable to God for the way we take care of our bodies. Eat well, exercise well and sleep well. This will ensure that our minds and bodily actions will attempt to be pure. Keep self discipline at the forefront of every day.
What is the state of your current temple (your body)? We were carefully and wonderfully made by God with this body. Take care of it, fuel it correctly and let the Holy Spirit dwell in it.