Are you walking blindly through life or seeking guidance?
We could all use a little guidance, especially as a young Christian. If you're a parent or guardian of children, you'll know that as kids mature, they need less guidance than in the beginning. As they get to understand our parenting, they know what they can do on their own, and what guidance they still need from us.
This is the way with God. After we walk with God for a number of years, we get to know His character, and how to relate to Him. He may be a little more harder on us in the beginning, but it's only for our own good. As we grow closer to Him, we have the desire to honor Him and reflect His heart in everything we do.
Experience God's nearness. God is intimate with those who trust Him. Seek God; get closer to Him so that you will do nothing of your own accord, or out of your own desires, but that you will enjoy this intimacy with God and your desires will become one with His.
Don't walk blindly through life; it will get you nowhere. Seek Him, let God guide you today.
James 4:8 - "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded."