Have you created deep ruts in the path, walking with God?
God longs to walk with us every day. But do we stop and wait on Him? Or, are we too busy with our own lives that we forget to even think about Him throughout the day? Are we rushing ahead with our own agenda?
As we start walking with God, daily, He will open the Scriptures to us through the Spirit of wisdom and revelation and reveal to us the glory of God that is to be found in Him. What does this look like?
God first wants to walk with us, before He starts His work in us. God will use the person that walks with Him. God will test our fidelity and when we prove ourselves even through the greatest calamities of life, we qualify as useful vessels that God can use to reach others.
Keep on the path with God. He will never lead you off the path and will keep you on the straight and narrow.
Psalm 23:3 - "He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake."