Hurting but hoping

This world is filled with hopelessness.  You see it every day; every time you walk down the city streets; people begging for money, anything.  This is where you see the hurting people, but what you don't see is the professional coming into the office every day with a pain so deep on the inside of their soul that they can barely get out of bed in the morning.  I pray for people like that every day, because even though we can't see their pain, God can.  All it takes is for them to reach out and ask God for help in their hopeless situation.

But rejoice my Christian friends!  We also can be hurting today, but we on the other hand we have hope!  Hope is one of our deepest virtues as Christians.  We should be known as a hopeful people.  Yes, we have trials also, but those trials are there to produce character, which in turn produces hope.

Are you hurting today?  There is hope.  It is in the King of Kings and His name is Jesus!

Romans 12:12 - "Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer."

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