Possibility of having trouble in this life?
It's not a question of will we have trouble in this world, it's when.
Many of our trials that we go through will have no clear explanation. Troubles concern us because as Christians spiritual temptations can come from hard times.
Face it, we live in a fallen world. It is just the common lot of mankind because sin is in the world. We can't escape it, but we do have hope. We have a Savior that died on a cross, that took our place, that bore our sins so that we may live. Jesus didn't say that He died for us so that we would be sin free. But, He did give us the choice to follow Him and that no matter what comes our way, He will make a way out. He is the beginning and the end.
To spend an eternity with Jesus is worth any adversity I face today.
I don't wake up wondering if I'm going to face problems every day. I wake up thanking Jesus that I'll not be facing them alone.
John 16:33 - "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."