Don't put your faith in your circumstances

Do you do this?  I know I've been guilty of it, more than I care to admit.  We get into a situation, or something comes up unexpected and we're already trying to figure out how to fix it.  We think that if we're proactive, we can resolve the situation before it gets out of hand.  This is putting our faith in our circumstances; trusting in ourselves to get the job done.

If we have faith in God, our trust is what we do because of the faith we have been given by Him. Trusting in God is believing in the promises of God in ALL circumstances, even when all the evidence is to the contrary. 

Trusting in ourselves will inevitably result in disaster.

God's promises are true forever.  You can trust that whatever circumstance you're in, God already knows the outcome and will be by our side through it all. 

Put your faith in God.  He's trustworthy and true!

Proverbs 28:26 – "Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered."

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