A God of second chances
We've all messed up in life. Some more than others, including myself. But, thank God I serve a God of second chances.
Throughout the Bible, God proves over and over again that He is a God of second chances. Now, this is not to say that we can deliberately commit a specific sin every day and God will gives us another chance tomorrow, or is it?
Think about this. If you were working for a company that required you to perform a specific task every day and you repeatedly didn't do it, do you think they'd keep giving you another chance? Probably not after the first few reprieves.
God has a way of giving you a second chance, yet allowing you to learn and grow in relationship with him. You see, if we are a child of God, then we love to please God; we live to please God. So I know that if there is something that I'm doing over and over again that is not pleasing to God, I need to stop. Why? Because I love God and I know He loves me and wants nothing more than to please me; give me the desires of my heart.
Just as God is patient and forgiving to us, He also wants us to be patient and forgiving to others.
A second chance is giving a person another chance to earn their trust. Reach out to someone that has done you wrong and offer mercy; another chance to entrust them with your heart.
1 John 1:9 - "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."