Shelter in the storms of life

Have you had anything happen to you recently that had you scared?  I'm not referring to 'monsters in the closet scared.'  I'm referring to bad news of an illness, broken heart of a relationship or a tragic fatal accident.  Your instinct is to crouch down in fear.  You worry about what's going to happen next; thinking about how you might be able to alter the situation.

But, all throughout the bible God tells us to not fear.  God speaks of not giving us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and self-control.  God wants us to run to Him when we feel fearful.  It's at our weakest moments when God steps in and performs His mighty miracles.  He wants us to trust Him with the situation.  

It's taken me a long time to learn this lesson.  As these seasons of life pass, I realize that letting go, giving the control over to God is so freeing.  I had to get to the point when things started falling apart, or spiraling down, I replaced my fears with God's words. I replaced my anxieties with scripture verses that soothed my soul and got my mind on God instead of myself.

Let God be your shelter in the storms of life.  These storms will always come, but we have the King of Kings that has already won the battle.  God's our shelter!

Proverbs 18:10 - "The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe."

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