One slip and you're a goner.

Psalm 121:3 - “He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber;”

As I was hiking a treacherous hike recently, all I could think of is, “one slip of the hand or foot, and I’m a goner.” I asked God to guide my steps and keep me safe.

As it says in the verse above, God will not let our foot slip. It is also referring to other things in life. He will not let us go into danger without warning or protection.

And the last part of the verse states that God does not sleep. There’s such comfort in knowing that even while we sleep, God is watching over us. While we’re busy going about our day and busy lives, God’s meeting our needs. He’s concerned about the tiniest need that we may have.

So, whether you find yourself climbing the side of a mountain, or you’re facing an unknown medical diagnosis, God’s got it. He will not falter in keeping us safe.

Don’t fear. Trust God with your challenges today.

Dianne PetreyComment