Did you know that satan loves it when we focus on our feelings?
The world does a good job at promoting, “just do what you feel.” This will usually get you into trouble. Feelings are one of satan’s favorite tools to use to distract us, to focus on self and to take on a prideful personality.
Proverbs 28:26 - “Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered.”
What are you led by? What directs your decisions, your actions?
As a Christian, we are called to live by faith, not be how we feel.
As it says in the verse above, we’re a fool if we only trust in our feelings.
Our feelings are changed by people and/or circumstances.
Because of the fall (Adam and Eve) our entire being is affected by sin.
Paul talks about it in Romans when he says he doesn’t understand his own actions.
We all battle the flesh daily. Our feelings get us into trouble when we are led to do what ‘feels good.'
If we want to live a righteous life that is pleasing to God, we can’t do it by trusting our feelings.
Instead, we are to live by faith in our creator. Our faith is guided and informed by God.
Try to live by what scripture says, not by how something makes you feel.