Socially addicted?

What would happen to the world if all the cell phones stopped working today? I have a feeling that we would have civil wars breaking out all around us.

I see it every day, and it used to only be seen outside the workplace. People checking their phones, chatting back and forth to others, as if it’s ok to be doing it and working on the job.

Now, I’m not that old, but I do remember the days when you go to work and do your job and didn’t call home or anyone else until you got home.

Our culture is messed up. Families used to eat at home and actually talk to each other around the dinner table. These days, you’ll see families at restaurants, and no one is talking to each other; they’re all looking down at their cell phones. Ugh.

I know this is not everyone, but it’s almost getting to be the norm.

Addiction to cell phones is just as harmful as addiction to drugs. Both give attention to a substance that’s controlling their lives.

Put your phone down. If you’re bored at work, then find something you can do to help out. If you’re retired, go visit a nursing home. These people need you, if only for an hour.

Get socially addicted to serving others.

Hebrews 10:25 - “not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

Dianne PetreyComment