Easily persuaded

Some people can be real convincing when it comes to their beliefs, to the point you may be questioning your own.

Jesus warned us about people claiming one thing and professing another. A wolf in sheep’s clothing.

As I grew into my early teenage years, I was one of those girls who wanted to be liked, so I would go along with the crowd, just to fit in. This got me in a lot of trouble. Anyone could talk me into anything. I was naive and gullible.

By the grace of God, He plucked me out of this dead-end road and saved me at the age of sixteen.

I was convinced beyond a shadow of doubt that God saved my life. The problem was, I was just a baby in my faith. I struggled in living this new life. A few seasoned Christians tried encouraging me, but I lacked the confidence I needed in this new role in life.

And just as a toddler can be convinced to try something new, Satan can find a weak link in your faith and step right in. He will convince you that the sin is not that bad; everyone’s doing it.

Don’t fall for Satan’s schemes. Don’t be wishy/washy in your faith.

Stay committed to serving Christ, learning more about Him through His word and ask for help when things get out of control.

Ephesians 4:14 - “Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming.”

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