Stepping stone, or stumbling block?

On a recent hike in the northeast, I found myself in a forest of stepping stones and also enormous boulders that filled the trail.

Thus far this was the most difficult hike I’ve ever accomplished. Challenged and weary, I finished the hike within 12 hours; a hike that should have only taken 8 hours.

I give God the credit of pushing me and helping me move my feet when I wanted to give up and turn around.

Even though I had read about the boulders and challenging trails, I felt confident enough to try anyway. Had I really known the boulders would be that large, and the mountain wall of boulders stretched for a mile, I may not have even tried the hike.

This made me think of my Christian walk. Am I a stepping stone to others, or am I a stumbling block, hindering others from their walk with God?

I pray that I am that stepping stone. I hope that my friends are encouraged by me, and strangers are intrigued and curious about the God I serve.

Are you serving others, encouraging your brothers and sisters in Christ? Are you telling the lost about Jesus and how He fills your life with hope?

Aim to be a stepping stone, not a stumbling block.

Matthew 3:8 - “Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.”

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