Another year.

Yesterday was my birthday, another year gone by. Why does it seem that the days, years and decades come faster these days?

I’m thankful God has blessed me with many years, some happy, some sad; many challenging and yet rewarding.

I can look back on my years as a Christian, and see how God has blessed me in so many ways. I have grown closer to God in the last five years. What’s the secret in my mature relationship with Christ? It’s all in learning more about Him, reading His word and talking to Him daily.

Just as any relationship develops and thrives, a relationship with Christ will add years to your life. When God knows your heart, your desires and realizes you are trusting in Him alone, the sky’s the limit.

But, don’t think you’ll be handed a silver spoon. If God gave us everything we asked for, how could we appreciate the blessings?

Trust God as each day passes. Thank Him for the blessings, and yes, the challenges He puts before you.

Each of us has a birthday, every year. But, there’s also a spiritual birthday - a day when you give your life to Christ.

Although I don’t remember the exact date I was saved, I remember every day after, when Christ came into my heart to stay.

Proverbs 9:11 - “For through wisdom your days will be many, and years will be added to your life.”

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