My heart stopped; fear set in.

You’ve been there. That moment when you’re thrown off course.

I was sitting in the airport, waiting to board my 6:00 a.m. flight, when the attendant announces, “can Dianne Petrey please come to the Delta desk for a message?”

Several thoughts came to mind. Has my husband had an accident after dropping me off earlier; is it my grandkids, etc.?

As I hesitantly approached the desk, the attendant asked if it would be ok if they upgraded me to comfort plus, so a family could be seated together?

I smiled, and let out a breath of air, and said, “Yes!”

Now that scene only took a few minutes to transpire, but the worry that overtook me in those few minutes got me to thinking. Why am I so quick to worry? After all, I had just spent time that very morning, thanking God for His provisions and mercy.

None of us like to have our plans changed. We’re so focused on what we want and when it should happen, that we don’t leave room for God to move into our lives.

I had a major change happen at work last week, which took me by surprise. I was comfortable in my zone. Yes, I know that God’s plans are not always our plans.

Not sure what lies ahead but trusting God to carry me to my next assignment. God is always good and His plans are so much better than mine.

Stay steadfast in your faith. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

Philippians 1:6 - “being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

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