Not an accident.

I hate it when I hear someone respond to the question about being born, with: “I’m pretty sure I was an accident.”

God doesn’t make accidents. Everything He does is His will, whether you believe this or not.

Probably the hardest thing to accept is hardship, physical disabilities, or broken relationships.

Did you know that these aren’t accidents either. Now I’m not saying that God causes accidents or hardships in our lives. Remember Job in the bible? Satan may throw a wrench in your life plan, and God may allow it, but God also promises that He will help us through it.

If you ignore God and try to muddle through it on your own, it could end up disastrous.

But, if you acknowledge God, tell Him you trust Him, even though you don’t understand, He’ll help you through. He’ll get you to the other side.

None of us are an accident. God knew the plan for our life even before we were born.

Accept what happens to you; know God is with you and realize your potential through Him.

Jeremiah 1:5 - “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

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