Own it.

The first thing I can remember owning was a car. It wasn’t much of a car, (1970ish) Ford Maverick, but it was rightfully mine. I had the title; mom helped me pay the insurance so I was legally allowed to drive the car on the road. I did end up selling it a few years later. The weirdest thing about that car was it took more oil than gas to go on a long road trip. Lol.

We can also take ownership in our job, our position or status in the community.

As a Christian, what is fueling your faith? In order to grow as a Christian, you need to own your faith, by motivation or experiences from God.

You can’t become a Christian because your mom and dad went to church, or because it’s a tradition in your family. Once you give your life to Christ, you can’t lost it just because you sinned. If that were the case, we would have all lost our salvation after day 1.

If you do sin, recognize it and ask God to forgive you; He will. It’s called mercy.

For many that become a Christian in their teens, they do ok, stumble along, until they leave for college or leave home and eventually they drift; quit going to church altogether.

Owning your faith comes from a lifetime of choices to follow God, for yourself. Not because it’s tradition or it’s what your parents did.

Seek God, alone. Spend time with Him. Let Him know that He is Lord of your life.

Own it!

Romans 12:2 - “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

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