First comes a light rain, then the storm.

I do love the seasons of Kentucky. Even though the climate is ever changing, there’s nothing like an early summer rain. It usually starts as a fine mist, building into a soft rain, maybe with a slight glimpse of the sun. But when the day heats up and the winds roar, you can see the storm on the horizon. You know it’s coming, but rest in the calm before the storm.

Then, all of a sudden, the crack of thunder awakens your senses. The atmosphere has changed and you settle into the storm’s fury.

Sin can be analogous to storms. Sin can start out being a passive habit. It’s not hurting anyone and you get comfortable in the pace.

Sin sneaks up on you. The habit consumes your day; that’s all you can think about, then bam!

What started as a small blameless concept has blossomed into a full-blown act against God.

God will start to convict you; causing you to question your motives.

You can circumvent the storms in your life, if you will put your faith and trust in God. God may not be able to stop the storm, but He does promise to give you shelter during it.

Rest in the rainy seasons of life.

God is good; a shelter in the storm.

Matthew 8:26 - “He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.”

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