Pride will distort your perspective
There is more than one kind of pride. There is a pride that God hates and the kind of pride we can feel about a job well done or the kind of pride we feel over an accomplishment from another person. The pride that brings out a self-righteous attitude is sin and God hates it.
Pride can keep a person from many things, even accepting Jesus as their Savior.
We shouldn’t go around boasting on our own self, or saying to others, “Look at me.” If we are to boast, it should be about God’s power and the fact that He saved us from a wrath of darkness and torment.
Give God credit today. Anything and everything you accomplish in this life is because of God’s grace, His power and His mercy.
Giving into pride will only misconstrue your outlook on life. God gave us this life, to live for Him, not ourselves.
Think about the image you’re portraying to others. Take pride in Christ, not your own achievements.
Proverbs 21:29 - “The wicked put up a bold front, but the upright give thought to their ways.”