
Are you a good planner?  Do you thrive on arranging and mapping out the trip ahead?  What about long-term planning?  Are you planning for your future?  Do you have a retirement plan in mind?

Although it is good to plan and save for the future, keep in mind that God's word advises us to be planners for reasons beyond building a savings account, etc.

Being a good planner also means being a good steward of your money, or should I say, God's money that He's entrusted you with.

As you go about your day today planning for tomorrow, don't forget about something more important than planning our life here on earth, and that is, planning for eternity.

Put God first.  Tell God your desires.  Trust and have faith that God will be with you now and into your future.  Don't leave God out of your plans.

Proverbs 14:22 – "Do not those who plot evil go astray?  But those who plan what is good find love and faithfulness."

Dianne PetreyComment