Planters of hope
After my recent mission trip, I was asking some of my fellow team members to give me a word or words that would make them recall this trip. What stood out and what will they take back with them. One person said, “Planters of hope.”
That was us. On this mission trip. We planted seeds of hope. We scattered hope to those who were wondering. We announced the good news of Jesus Christ. The rest is up to God.
But we don’t have to leave this image in the mission field. We can all be planters of hope right in our own community. We can encourage our neighbor to visit our church, or join us in a bible.
Be a planter of hope. You just might be blessed yourself.
Luke 14:23 - “And the master said to the servant, "Go out to the highways and hedges and compel people to come in, that my house may be filled.”