Act on it.
Faith is simply believing what God says. This type of faith is not temporal. It’s not mere head knowledge. It’s trusting in Jesus Christ alone for eternal life.
When you hear a message on Sunday morning from a pastor, do you take that message and act on it? Or do you just check it off your list of religious duties you were a part of that week?
Having faith and believing in what you’re doing must have action to complete it. Otherwise, it is dead and meaningless faith.
We are saved by faith, not works. We live out our faith by loving others and caring for their needs.
The next time you hear a message on faith or the fruits of the spirit, or something similar, don’t just forget about it once you leave the church premises. Act on it. Intentionally seek someone in need and give them your time. Show them you care. Show love by visiting someone in the nursing home or visiting an elderly shut-in.
Show your faith off by acting in love!
James 2:18 – “But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.”