I heard a pastor online give a question to the audience and it was this: “If we asked a few of your closest friends what they thought about you, what would they say? I’m sure most would give a few complimentary comments, giving you a good overall review of your character. They might say, ‘oh he’s a reputable man or she’s got a warm fun-loving personality. But, what if we asked God? Would He say, “I don’t know this woman, or I’ve never had a conversation with this man.”
Are other’s perception of you and God’s perception of you the same? I would hope so.
Perception is reality, sometimes. Are we trusting God’s plan for our life, even if what we’re seeing doesn’t make sense? Do we sometimes wonder or question God’s inactivity as a lack of care?
Until our perception of God is clearly understood, our perception has potential for distortion.
If you don’t have a direct relationship with God and aren’t communing with Him daily, then how can you see what He’s doing in your life.
Others may look at you and think you have it all together. They may think that everything is going well in your life and that you have no reason to complain. If this is true, then good for you. If this is just a false perception of what’s really going on in your life, then you have only one option. Turn to God.
You may fool other people, but you will never fool God. He knows everything. He knows your thoughts and intentions. Seek God and make Him number one in your life.
Matthew 6:1 -” Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.”