I'm with Him.

Have you ever been to an event, or meeting a group of people for the first time and you’re with your dad or your spouse, or even your son and someone introduces you?  The moment of excitement when you get to say, “I’m with him.”  This gives a compliment to both of you.

Think about when people ask you how you’re doing, what do you say?  Do you say, “I’m with Him?”  Meaning, I’m with God.

I heard a message from a pastor online the other day and the message was this:  The pastor asked a skilled artist to draw him a picture of a scene showing, the ugliest, weakest little sheep he could ever imagine, then in the distance a lion crouched down in the grass, waiting and watching.  The lion hasn’t eaten in days.  As they approach each other the lion can just taste the little sheep already in his mouth.  The sheep approaches with a boldness the lion has never seen.  As they get within inches of each other the lion asks, “aren’t you afraid I’m going to tear you apart?”  The sheep looks to his left, he’s holding the Shepherd (Jesus)’s hand and says, “no, I’m with Him.”  The lion walks away.

I just thought this was a perfect picture of any trial I’ve ever been in.  If I can remember this and put it into action, then nothing can defeat me.  Nothing can alter my course in life.

Jesus is always near, ready to fight our battles, ready to go with us through the fire.

John 10:14 – “I am the good shepherd, and I know My own and My own know Me,”

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