
Have you ever experienced something that was not expected, a miraculous healing, or a happy surprise?

I have been through a couple of these events and have even thought to myself, 'was this God's doing?' 

God's grace is full of miracles and unexpected surprises.  God's miracles demonstrate His love for us. This is God's way of showing His power and His desire to work in our lives.

The basis of all miracles is God's sovereignty.  When we're unsure of what's happening or how it's going to turn out, trust Him.  Trust His wisdom and His goodness.  After all, what's the alternative?  Worry, frustration, anger?

Expect miracles.  Look for opportunities for God to do something great in your life. 

Miracles are one of the ways God gives evidence of His power and authority.  Be careful, friends.  Don't treat God as a Jeannie in a bottle.  Get to know Him.  Establish a relationship with Him.  Nourish and kinder that relationship and watch God move in your life.

Wait for a miracle!

Acts 3:16 – "And His name-by faith in His name-has made this man strong whom you see and know, and the faith that is through Jesus has given the man this perfect health in the presence of you all."

Dianne PetreyComment