Character or comfort?

Nobody talks about how they'd like to change and better their character.  They talk about how they can be more comfortable.

A person of good character is often noted for their honesty, ethics and charity.  You’ve heard of ‘a woman of integrity?’  So, a lack of good character would mean someone that behaves dishonestly, unethically and uncharitably. 

Character is influenced by our choices.  If we make good choices, then can weather the storms of life.  It’s God’s purpose to develop character within us.  We must be willing to let the Holy Spirit work within us during this process. 

Just know this:  God sometimes uses trials to strengthen our character.  I’ve seen my most prosperous seasons of life grow my character during the biggest trials.  God is pleased with us when we grow in character.

If your character sets a good example for others to follow, your Godly reputation will be evident to all.

Your endurance is one of the greatest marks of your faith and confidence in God when troubles come.  The consistent theme in my life when trials come is my questions to God: “what are you trying to teach me; what are you wanting me to confess, etc.?”

When we’re on the other side of the trial, we have learned that God is faithful.  God saw us through.  This is the hope we have in Him.

Faith believes, but hope expects.  Be of good character and expect God to change you today.

Romans 5:1 – “Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

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