In the moment.

You’ve heard it said, “just be in the moment.” But, what does this phrase mean to you?

I recently had a conversation with someone who kept fretting about how much time they needed to do this and that, and how they didn’t have time to do what needed to be done. There just wasn’t enough hours in the day, etc.

That’s when I said, “just enjoy today. Enjoy this moment in time, where you are and with whom you’re with.”

I realize that’s something that’s hard to do for some people, even myself at times.

Time dictates our lives. Whether it’s our calendars, clocks, or schedules. It’s time on the move that can’t be slowed down. We have to adjust and live with time each day.

The quality of time is different in the above scenario as compared to time measured in quantity. There’s a Greek term, “Kairos,” which describes a present moment in time. It is the now.

Although the future is promised by God, the present is what matters.

Being in the moment means being fully present. Acknowledge that we’re as a vapor. Here for a little while and then gone in an instant. Use your time wisely. Stop and smell the roses. Live in the moment and enjoy the presence of God in your life each day.

Proverbs 17:22 - “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”

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