Bedtime stories
My grandkids love story-time at my house. I have three shelves of books, but Ady keeps going back to the same book called, “Little Lost Angel.” It was my book when I was a little girl. It’s about a story of an angel from heaven who got left behind from the other angels. But, instead of feeling sorry for herself, she decided to help others along the way. She gives away her harp and her wings.
I can see why Ady wants to keep re-visiting the story. It has compassion, intrigue and purpose. I hope the story leaves her with the thoughts of giving to others without expecting anything in return.
The Bible is full of stories like the one above. You see, when you give your life to Christ; when you commit each day to follow Him, giving will come natural; loving will be easy.
For those of you who have young kids or grandkids, read to them. The Bible is full of teachable stories that will benefit kids later on. The world needs more compassion and understanding.
Each of us have our own story to tell. People can’t dismiss your personal testimony because it’s your story. They can’t deny it.
Tell someone your story today. Emphasize how God is the author and has been writing your story every day and will continue to do so.
Ephesians 4:29 - “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”