Purpose of suffering
In my life God has worked through my suffering to accomplish His purposes. Has this been easy for me? No. Who likes to go through suffering?
It has allowed me the ability to forgive others who have done me wrong.
I spoke about Job in my book I wrote, “Mission Possible.” It’s really hard to imagine that God would give Satan permission to bring trouble into Job’s life, but that’s exactly what happened.
In the end of Job’s story, Job persevered through the horrendous trials and he proved that there is only one true God. Job could have become bitter and resentful to God, but he didn’t.
Job’s story gives me comfort, because it showcases God’s faithfulness and His ability to glorify Himself through times of testing.
If you find yourself in a difficult season right now, find encouragement through this reminder: God will turn it around for good. Somehow God will see you through. Don’t doubt that!
God may be using your struggle to bring someone to Christ.
Don’t give up - persevere - God reigns!
2 Corinthians 4:17 - “For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison,”