Single moms

There are so many women raising children on their own. It shouldn’t be this way.

Having been a single mom more than a married mom, I know the burdens that they bear. It’s not easy at all.

God meant for a man and woman to marry and raise children together. Kids need both a mom and dad to give them balance in life. A mother to nurture and a father to discipline. Unfortunately some of us women find ourselves raising children on our own.

Ephesians 6:2-3 “Honor your father and mother” (this is the first commandment with a promise), “that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land.”

There are several obstacles to deal with as a single mom. The first being loneliness. Most times, it can feel like you’re trying to conquer the world on your own and that nobody cares. If you know of a single mom in your neighborhood; in your church, or you work with a single mom, get to know her. Become her friend and get to know her kids. Then, when you can, offer to watch her kids or take her out for a coffee.

It’s hard to not get depressed or angry as a single mom. But, it’s possible to overcome these negative thoughts and habits. I found that having girlfriends, being involved in my church and having time alone with God got me through some tough times. Looking back, I did the best I could. Both my kids turned out great; they’re both doctors.

I hope the people that were around me at the time I was a single mom know how much I appreciated them.

Just to name a few of these folks: Janel, Ellan, Mary, Polly, Craig, Pat, Roy, my mom, Margaret and Dave and Becky and Dave. Thank you.

As a Christian I think we should serve single moms as much as we serve the widows.

And, let’s not forget about the single dad’s out there either. Kuddos to you dads for taking on this role too.

God bless all the single parents out there.

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