Personal guide
Have you ever been on a guided tour? Whether it’s a tour of a museum or a guided hike, the concepts are the same. The guide is the expert in whichever the case may be. He/she knows the landscape. They know the trails by heart. They know the history of the area and can answer any questions on anything.
We, who are Christians, also have a personal guide, every day. This guide is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is our compass that guides us each day, starting out on the right trail. We will have starts and stops along the journey in life, but without the Holy Spirit, we would get lost. We would lose direction. We would find ourselves on a path we hadn’t intended to walk on.
This Holy Spirit is a gift to all of those who believe in Jesus and have repented. It’s our teacher, releasing knowledge to those of us who want to get somewhere in life.
Quit wandering around under your own cognition. You’ll only end up on a detour that couldn’t be avoided or on the wrong trail, leading to destruction.
You must seek out the Holy Spirit. It doesn’t just come to you suddenly, like requesting a personal guide on your hiking trip.
The other amazing and wonderful thing about the Holy Spirit is once you have it, you’ll never lose it. It will always be there when you need it.
Get your personal guide to life today. The Holy Spirit.
Acts 2:38 – “And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”