Muddy water

Do you feel at times that your to-do list is three miles long? The cure for too much to do is solitude and silence. You see your inner self when you’re alone. Try it! Just quit doing and sit still; breathe. Be patient with God - if you’re not getting your way or have been waiting on a breakthrough that hasn’t yet come, it’s ok. It will happen in God’s timing.

In the wait, God is working on our behalf. In the wait, God is developing patience in us. In the wait, we can learn to be still and let God be God.

Have you ever noticed that if you let muddy water set and don’t disturb it, it will get clear?

So it is with God. Sit. Close your eyes, listen to the stillness. Better yet, open your Bible and read a verse. Close your eyes and meditate on it. It’s amazing what we can hear if we just stop talking.

Be still and listen. God’s trying to tell you something you need to hear.

It may seem muddy to you now, but the longer you’re still, the more clearer it will be.

If you think about it, God has a list of requirements to become His child.

1) Surrender your whole life to Him

2) Study His Word

3) Be faithful at all times, even in the storms

4) Worship and acknowledge Him daily

5) Tell others about Him

Get rid of the muddy waters in your life.

Isaiah 30:15 - “For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, “In returning[a] and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.”

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