Momma knows best.
I grew up the youngest of 8 kids and you can ask any of my siblings and they’ll tell you, ‘mom always knew best,’ in any situation. By the time I came along, it became clear. When mom said something or told me to do something, I should do it. And, she did know best. As long as we followed the rules and obeyed our parents, things went smoothly…… not!
There’s someone who knows best for EVERY situation, every trial, every decision, every path to take and every person to share life with. God!
It’s hard to go through trials when we’re thinking, “this is the best path to take, or this is the right job to take, or I’ll just do this and our relationship will get better.” The problem with that is, we don’t know what’s best for us. We think we do and we conjure up all these scenarios in our mind and when they don’t work out, we blame God.
I recently went through a season where I just knew this is how I wanted it to work out. I prayed and asked God to give me the desire of my heart. Well, He came through, but not the way I wanted, but that’s okay. His way actually turned out to be a whole lot better for me and my situation than I had originally wanted.
Quit trying to play God and think that your plans are better than God’s. They never are. He knew this would happen in this way before I was even a thought.
All I can say is, God is good, and His love for me is as deep as the deepest sea. Let’s just say I’m feeling so blessed and loved right now.
God knows best, always..
Romans 8:28 – “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good,[a]for those who are called according to his purpose.”