
An architect is a person who designs building and in many cases also supervises their construction.

When an architect designs a building he/she has to create a plan. They have to decide on the materials to be used so that the building can withstand certain elements. For example, when building in an environment where you have tornados occasionally, you have to have materials that can withstand wind speeds of over 100 miles an hour.

The same is true with people. God’s the architect of life. He designed each of us in our mother’s womb. He knew what oppositions we would come against; He knew what type of personality we would have, so that when trials come, we could withstand the storms of life.

God put love, determination, empathy, endurance and a strong-willed character into us so that we will be able to serve Him and love others.

I thank God for designing me the way He did. I may have flaws and I may not do everything perfect, but I know that my perfection lies in knowing God; serving Him and others every day.

Accept your own unique design. After all, the creator of the universe is the architect of life.

Dianne PetreyComment