Where there is defeat, there is also victory.

I used to love watching my daughter play high school basketball. I would cheer her on and get so excited when her team would win. But, as I looked across the court I felt sad for the team that lost. For every winning team, there is also a team that will lose.

Those were precious memories but as I think on the victories and the defeats, I have to remind myself that life is full of victories and losses.

Every day we’re in a battle. Either you’re on God’s team or Satan’s. Which will you choose?

I choose to be on God’s team. Now this doesn’t mean that every day is a winning carefree day. But I found that if God is on my side and I trust Him in the outcome of my day that I can go throughout my day with a little more confidence, a little less stress and conflict.

Ephesians 6:10-11 - “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”

Don’t listen to the lies of the enemy. Satan is great at heaping on guilt, condemnation and fear.

God’s presence is real. He gives us strength every day. Disappointments come. God sees “mighty,” when we see “weak.” He sees “victory” when we see “defeat.”

God is always with us, no matter how we might feel, or what struggles flood our thoughts.

God’s already won the battle. Stand tall with the victor of life!

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