Spiritual starvation

Very few of us in America have experienced starvation, or even close to it. While other poor countries deal with this daily.

For Christians, the Bible is the voice of God communicating to us. It’s not a rule book, and it’s more than a collection of stories, and letters. Our foundation for a healthy relationship with God starts with communication. God’s word (the Bible) is His way of communicating with us.

If you’re not studying the Bible daily, then how are you going to keep the relationship with God going? Without God’s word guiding you each day, you’ll eventually run out of steam, slowing starving to the point of death of your salvation.

Rather than having a few verses that you’ve memorized, how about meditating on scripture, turning to scripture for strength and guidance.

The best kind of food for a Christian is to feed on God’s word. Get the hunger for righteousness that only God can fill. You’ll never be satisfied with what the world is offering.

Know the signs of spiritual starvation. Do you communicate with God daily? Does He know you and your needs? Are you filling your soul with His word?

Don’t neglect God’s provisions for you.

Isaiah 55:1 - “Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and he who has no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.”

Dianne PetreyComment