The inclination of our heart determines our direction.
Psalm 146: 3-4 - “Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation. When his breath departs, he returns to the earth; on that very day his plans perish”.
The foolish plans of man will perish but God’s promises never fail.
Are you depending on God? Are you leaning on Him for strength, especially in times of difficulty?
All of us are vulnerable in this broken world. God is always with us, even when it doesn’t feel like He is. We can trust Him to be with us and guide us through all seasons of life.
It starts in the heart. Our heart has to be right. You can’t think that things are going to be ‘rosy’ when you’re walking around with a bad attitude.
Are your feet planted firmly in God’s mercy or are they stuck in unhealthy mud?
Surrender your heart to God today. Don’t hold back.
If you’re like me, I am always in need of guidance, even on good days. I admit, some days I feel lazy. I want to sleep in and I think, “I’ll get to my time with God later.” Then the day gets going and before I know it, it’s time for bed.
Start each day with God. Open your heart up for Him to fill it with good things. I promise you, you’ll be going in the right direction.