Are you vulnerable in your marriage? Are you secret-free in your friendships?
Genesis 2:25 - “And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.”
God designed the Garden of Eden and it was a perfect place until sin showed up. Are you like most people in that the thought of being vulnerable makes you uncomfortable? After all, who looks forward to embarrassment, criticism or being hurt?
Some of us fear that our vulnerability will get taken advantage of. But, it’s when we open our hearts to others and are completely honest with them, we can experience the fullness of a loving relationship.
Being honest with God is a crucial part in getting close to Him. It’s scary admitting to things which would usually leave us open to rejection. But, God offers us complete refuge from feeling we have to put up barriers and have to be on guard. He always welcomes us with open arms.
We glorify God with our whole dependance on Him.
Our human nature is to resist vulnerability. As we admit our limitations as humans, we can trust that when our capabilities end, His begin.
Trust God. When we are weak, He is strong.
God designed our vulnerability for His glory and for us to receive more of His grace through it.